al-ilm publishing

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The Dreamed Of Homecoming

The Dreamed Of Homecoming

Returning to the bosom of the Creator

Al Ilm Publishing ( 2024-07-29 )

€ 26,90

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Death is taboo in most societies around the world. But what if we are completely wrong? What if death is not a disaster created by God, but rather an important aspect of life, full of spiritual possibilities. Whether a believer or a non-believer, a devout or an agnostic, a great seeker or a fool, this will be truly known with death. Allah Ta'ala promised us hell because we wanted the dunya, became slaves to the dunya. Everything that does not accompany us after death includes the world. Have we cleansed ourselves of the desire and love of the world? If a Christian doctor assured us that we would die or get sick if we fulfilled the most tantalising lust, we would surely fear and avoid him. Would you trust the Christian doctor more than Allah? If so, how disbelieving we would be! Or do we think that sickness is greater than hell? If so, how foolish we are! We justify but do not learn. In fact, we continue to favour the dunya. Allah say: "Say: "Verily, the death from which you flee will surely meet you; then you will be returned to Allah, Who knows the unseen and the manifest, and He will tell you what you have done." Al-Jumuah:8.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Nugie Dharma Armanie

Number of pages:


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Religious manuscripts, Prayers, Hymnbook, religious Meditations