al-ilm publishing

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Our aim is to help spread information and knowledge about Islam by publishing the writings of islamic scholars and ulemas in book form internationally.

Repentance and life

Repentance and life

The Way Back to Allah

Al Ilm Publishing ( 2024-09-18 )

€ 24,90

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"Repentance and Life: The Way Back to Allah" invites readers to reflect on the importance of repentance in the life of a Muslim. Repentance is not just regret, but the first step towards closeness to Allah. The book explains that sin brings alienation and anxiety, while repentance brings peace, happiness and tranquility. By improving oneself through repentance, one can lead a better life spiritually, morally and emotionally. In the journey of life, every human being inevitably makes mistakes and commits sins, whether intentionally or unintentionally. However, Islam teaches us that no sin is too great to be forgiven as long as one sincerely repents. The act of repentance, or taubah, holds a significant place in the life of a Muslim because it is a means of purifying the heart, returning to Allah, and restoring the spiritual balance that sin disturbs. “Repentance and Life: The Way Back to Allah” delves into this essential concept, offering profound insights into how repentance can transform one's entire life.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Nugie Dharma Armanie

Number of pages:


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Religious manuscripts, Prayers, Hymnbook, religious Meditations