Éditions al-ilm

L'accomplissement de l'ilm (connaissance) est obligatoire pour tous les musulmans, que ce soit les sciences de la théologie, de la philosophie, du droit, de l'éthique, de la politique ou de toute autre sagesse transmise à l'humanité par Dieu à travers les bénédictions de son dernier prophète Mahomet (P.S.S.L).

Notre objectif est de contribuer à la diffusion de l'information et de la connaissance sur l'Islam en publiant les écrits des chercheurs et des oulémas sous forme de livres au niveau international.

The Islamic Religion and Its Challenges. Indonesian Perspective

The Islamic Religion and Its Challenges. Indonesian Perspective

A Few Directions for Change and Advanced Indonesia. Past, Present, and Future

Al Ilm Publishing ( 02.07.2024 )

€ 53,90

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Indonesia is a country located between two oceans and continents, it has a tropical climate with sufficient rainfall so that from East to West with various cute animals, animals and birds of many types, as well as trees, really complete. God's gift given to this homeland, with all the various tropical fruits, are we grateful? Behind the expanse of fertile and beautiful land, mountains, coastal areas, lakes and highlands, there is liquid eternal fire in it, so that this region, this country is a link in the ring of fire in the world, with the largest number of volcanoes,usually these events influence each other such as earthquake disasters, it can also be followed by tsunamis, storms, climate change, even volcanoes erupt, everything does not happen by chance as written in the holy book, everything can be influenced by cause and effect, this is the challenge for all of us, both local and national communities.to global.If we talk about Past, Present, and Future, it is very related to the Qur'an, as it is a revelation that was revealed to serve as a guide for all mankind, including the Jinn, to understand this universe which is not bound by time and space.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Fatchullah Zarkasi

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Autres religions