Éditions al-ilm

L'accomplissement de l'ilm (connaissance) est obligatoire pour tous les musulmans, que ce soit les sciences de la théologie, de la philosophie, du droit, de l'éthique, de la politique ou de toute autre sagesse transmise à l'humanité par Dieu à travers les bénédictions de son dernier prophète Mahomet (P.S.S.L).

Notre objectif est de contribuer à la diffusion de l'information et de la connaissance sur l'Islam en publiant les écrits des chercheurs et des oulémas sous forme de livres au niveau international.

Practical Exercises for Enhancing Islamic Spirituality softwares

Practical Exercises for Enhancing Islamic Spirituality softwares

A ready-made Set of Practical Exercises for Assisting Academicians

Al Ilm Publishing ( 08.01.2024 )

€ 24,90

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After authoring a series of manuscripts related to software practical exercises, I have started venturing into software practical exercises more pertinent to the field of Islamic Education. Being a believer, I consider it of paramount importance that Muslims use the cutting edge technology to achieve rapid and efficient learning of Islamiyaat. This includes use of technology, more specifically ICT tools. I go along the opinion of major Islamic Scholars like Late Mawlana Shah Ahmad Noorani Siddiqi, who upon visiting Mauritius constantly gave students guidelines (naseehat) to use ICT for further propagating Islam. This manuscript can be considered as a tribute to this great Islamic Personality.Here, a set of 30 cohesively written practical exercises in softwares, pertaining to the field of Enhancing Islamic Spirituality, has been laid forward. The objective of facilitating young academicians obtain a readymade set of practical exercises is forwarded here. This set of exercises apply better to beginner levels in university courses or even self-learners. Of course, its applicability to advanced level courses may be appreciated by many academicians to their discretion.

Détails du livre:







Langue du Livre:


de (auteur) :

Mohammad Kaleem Galamali

Nombre de pages:


Publié le:



Informatique, IT