al-ilm publishing

The attainment of ‘ilm (knowledge), is obligatory upon all muslims, may it be the sciences of theology, philosophy, law, ethics, politics or any other wisdom imparted to mankind from God through the blessings of his last Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).

Our aim is to help spread information and knowledge about Islam by publishing the writings of islamic scholars and ulemas in book form internationally.

Jesus Barabbas

The New Testament from Islamic and Cultural Perspectives

Jamal Salameh - ISBN: 978-613-6-31492-1

التَّوْصِية بالتّصْفِية ممّا قيلَ و قالوا و قلنا للتّبْريَة

تأمُّلات في التُّراث العربيّ

ابن بْراهيم حْميدة - ISBN: 978-613-6-31487-7

Facilitating the Qur’anic Qira’at for Non-Arabs

Dr. Mohamed Abdelmonem Elsayed Khalil - ISBN: 978-613-6-31481-5

A Manual for Salaat

This manual is a step-by-step guide catered for all and gives ease when we perform the daily prayers

Nusayhah Aumeer - ISBN: 978-613-6-31469-3

Differences in the Similar Quranic Texts (For Huffaaz)

Allah has sent down the best statement, a book (Qur'an) it's parts resembling each other in goodness and truth

Suraj Oyewopo - ISBN: 978-613-6-31477-8

Heavens In Science

A New Scientific Discovery ...With Real Success In Life

Mohsin Ramadan - ISBN: 978-613-6-31464-8

Islam: The Religion of Peace and Beauty

A Message to Scholars

Md. Mekail Ahmed - ISBN: 978-613-6-31081-7

In Search of Independence

The Moro Revolt and the Remaking of Bangsamoro

Musa Damao - ISBN: 978-613-6-31454-9

فساد البلاد وخسر العباد في العصر والروم

تفسير سورة العصر وآية من سورة الروم

كريم امصنصف - ISBN: 978-613-6-31467-9

The Signs and The Blessings of Allah (SWT)


Md. Mekail Ahmed - ISBN: 978-613-6-31264-4