al-ilm publishing

The attainment of ‘ilm (knowledge), is obligatory upon all muslims, may it be the sciences of theology, philosophy, law, ethics, politics or any other wisdom imparted to mankind from God through the blessings of his last Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H).

Our aim is to help spread information and knowledge about Islam by publishing the writings of islamic scholars and ulemas in book form internationally.

Islamic Studies and Scholars of Tamil Nadu-India

Seven Indian Islamic Scholars as Luminaries:Life and Works of Twenty Two Eminent Islamic Scholars of Tamil Nadu

Ahamed Zubair K M A - ISBN: 978-613-6-31336-8

Secrets to Success in Life

A Qur'an and Sunnah based approach

Md. Mekail Ahmed - ISBN: 978-613-6-31283-5

Halal Marriage: A Basic Need

Make your life peaceful with sunnah

Md. Mekail Ahmed - ISBN: 978-613-6-31294-1

Modeling the Dealings Between Spouses

A collection of Qur'anic Verses, Hadith and Case Studies

Muzammil Adamu - ISBN: 978-613-6-31269-9

دلائل النبوة ومعرفة أحوال صاحب الشريعة لأبو بكر البيهقي

تقديم وتخريجالجزء الأول

أ.د. سمير فريدي - ISBN: 978-613-6-31249-1

تحفة الحبيب في بعض أحكام المولود

حبيب بن عمر غدُو - ISBN: 978-613-6-31217-0

لمس المرأة وأثره في نقض الوضوء والحرمة

دراسة فقهية مقارنة

أنس خالد الشبيب - ISBN: 978-613-6-31163-0